Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Years!

It seems that another year has flown by. I am a bit disappointed in myself, since I haven't posted on this blog with any sort of consistency this entire year. I wanted to make a blog to encourage myself to write more, but it was difficult to write anything once the initial motivation wore off. I want to write on here more often, even if not everything I write is the best thing since sliced bread.

Enough about that, let's get onto the list! I never made much of a deal out of New Year resolutions before, but I figured that putting my list out there might back it with some extra motivation. For me, these are more like goals for next year than they are promises to improve.

1. I want to learn the basics of coding. That is, I want to be able to claim a front end development certification at Free Code Camp(here) by the end of the year. I probably need to set aside about 7 hours a week. I realize that it's difficult to make time for this when I'm still in school, but I think this would be doable if given the willpower. I am a little anxious about writing any code on my own once I let go of the tutorials, but I will keep at it even when I feel the urge to declare coding to be "too hard for someone like me."

2. I will stop chewing on my fingers, because it's the worst habit I have(apart from being a slow-poke). This has already gotten a lot better since I tried to stop a few months ago, but the urge to do it comes back routinely. I will find better ways to relieve stress or boredom, and I plan to let go of this finger-destroying habit within the next year.

3. I want to be more present in everything I do. It often feels like my body is on autopilot. This is likely why I take so long to do many basic things, since whenever my mind wanders, I can't focus on the task at hand. I'm not very grounded in the present. It's kind of hard to explain, but the gist of it is that I want to be more aware of my surroundings. This might be the most difficult of my resolutions, since this is the the way I've been since I was a kid.

4. I will try to do things the first moment that I can. I tend to put off any sort of work until the last minute. I piled on many hours of sleep debt until I was about ready to collapse when the weekend came around. A pomodoro timer can help me to get started the majority of the time, but I still struggle with pushing myself to do the task when there is the possibility of doing it later. It seems as if time keeps slipping through my fingers, no matter how much of it I get.

I think that the start of a new year is a great time to reflect and find new ways of improving. Most resolutions aren't seen through, but that won't stop me from hoping that I'll work through mine. Thank you very much for taking a look at my list, and let's hope that 2016 will be amazing!

